Weba Optimise Transfer Points

To meet the demand for battery and other minerals, mining companies are embarking on brownfield initiatives, resulting is a growing need to optimise transfer points for more cost-effective output. Weba Chute Systems & Solutions can offer technology and experience to mines expanding their production capacity.

“Custom engineered chutes and transfer points have been shown to facilitate smoother flow of mined material, with greater reliability and uptime for a more streamlined and productive operation,” explains Alwin Nienaber, Technical Director at Weba Chute Systems. “The initial focus when providing transfer point solutions to a brownfields project is usually to take careful note of the physical layout so that chutes are designed with spatial constraints in mind.”

This can be achieved using 3D laser scanning of the existing layout, to rapidly gather detailed measurements of large infrastructure on a customer’s site. Using this data, a precise 3D model can be generated on the basis of which the necessary chutes and componentry can be designed and manufactured.

For more information: https://www.webachutes.com/blog/optimising-transfer-points-in-brownfields-projects/

Categories: Chutes 

2023-08-23 | Weba Chute Systems | South Africa | Views 445

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